Monday 12 December 2016

Self Evaluation

As a group I think we had many strengths, the main one being our communication. As we had a group chat we were able to be in constant contact. For me, this was really helpful because as soon as an idea popped into my head I was able to share it with my group and get feedback on it, with the others doing the same. This allowed us to be constantly improving and developing the ideas for our documentary, meaning it got better every day.
We also worked really well as a group, making sure each of us was comfortable with everything that was going on. We met up regularly to discuss everything and make sure that everyone was managing their work well. Also, we had a google drive that we all had an input on, allowing us to share all our work and files so we could give feedback to each other, and work together to make improvements on each document. 
Also in the filming process we took it in turns to operate the camera, the boom mic and to direct the scene. I thought this was a good idea because it gave each of us a chance to trial everything and learn what we were best at, or what we most enjoyed.
Personally I feel that my main strength was staying organised throughout and managing the work load. We divided all the pre production paperwork out between each of us to make sure we got it done, and I found this helpful, but I was also able to stay on top of everything I had to do and made sure it was ready for when my group needed it. 
I also found that my strength was in directing some of the shoots, and camera work. I wasn't really as fond of operating the boom mic, but I'm glad I had the opportunity to try it out.   
Challenges / Short comings / Areas for development
Probably our main challenge as a group was making some initial improvements to our ideas, as we had come up with something we thought were so strong initially that we weren't as open to change as we should have been. However, after we started having more discussions as a group, and tutorials with Anne, we began to make changes for the better and then our ideas were consistently flowing and developing for the better.
There were obviously some basic challenges when filming, such as clashing timetables as the housemates had their own coursework to do and different hand ins they had to prepare for. However we could easily overcome this by making slight changes to our timetables and staying in contact with the members of the student house. 
I'd say personally my main area for development was being comfortable with change, because at the beginning I was so set on the idea we had, much like the other members in my group, that I didn't really want to change anything. However after time we began brainstorming more improvements and I got really excited about the development. I think next time I should be more open to change in the more initial stages so the idea can progress quicker.

Overall I think this documentary project was really successful. I really enjoyed working with my group, we all got on really well and I found that most people were really efficient and worked really hard. I loved the concept for our documentary and the development of our ideas meant we have got more footage than we need, and we love everything we've captured. The filming process was really fun and I really enjoyed working professionally with the camera and the boom mic. I think this project has really helped me develop my individual skills with the equipment, and I would feel confident going straight in and using it again in the future.
We didn't really come across many challenges due to the fact that we were all pretty organised and got things done fairly quickly, this could be due to the fact that we were in constant contact as well.

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