Thursday 9 March 2017

Influences for Experimental Video

When we had our first tutorial with Anne she mentioned how we should be looking for influences in every day life and picking up on things we could be inspired by to help us with our film.

Since Alice and I want to go forward with an idea of featuring a lot of glitching in our video, I was looking into this online and came across a series of images that really inspired me. Although they aren't glitched images themselves, the colours and way the images look really inspired me, as they look very abstract, with lots of colours and movement within the image. 
It's just the colours and the overall aesthetic of the images that drew me in. They almost look like ink or water that's been manipulated and spread around to create this beautiful art. I know it isn't actually digitally manipulated in any way, but they really reminded me of the sort of digital manipulation we can create so I thought it would be interesting to include them.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find out who the artist was.

I also saw a clip on MTV that showed a really digitally manipulated screen, almost like an error screen and I thought it was really interesting and relevant to what we want our film to look like, so I simply filmed it from my TV screen.

This clip came on during the adverts on the channel, and it has been made my MTV themselves, not to promote anything but simply played before the next programme starts.
There are lots of different versions of these clips, but this was the one I saw at the time and decided to film as it looks really glitched, with lots of free falling pixels and displaying "viruses".

I thought this clip would be good inspiration for our experimental film as this is the sort of idea we are going for, and want to use displays such as this in our own film, therefore we can take a lot of inspiration from it.

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