Tuesday 2 May 2017

Twin Screen Final Edit

After the previous edits of my two screens individually I was really pleased with the outcome of both and was ready to edit them together. I transferred each edited side into Adobe Premiere Pro so I could edit the length of each clip as it was easier to do in that software.

I then downloaded the twin screen template from myUCA so I was able to put my footage into it and watch it side by side.

I had already made sure the backgrounds matched so when I put the two clips side by side they would blend well together and show a good relationship. 

I decided I was happy with the footage and rendered it all together as a twin screen. 

I am really pleased with the outcome of my twin screen. My concept was to show the way we are obsessed with digital technology, and how the use of phones specifically is taking over our lives. The left side is to show how we live through our phones, and how it can be messing with us as humans. The right side is to show pure memories but how we are now distorting future memories as we live behind technology rather than in the moment. 

Final Edit of Left Screen

Final Edit of Right Screen

Final Edit of Twin Screen

Monday 1 May 2017

Twin Screen - Right Screen Development

For the right side of my twin screen I want to have an iPhone to follow with the theme of the left side. I want to play footage of my younger memories on the iPhone screen to suggest how we now live our lives through out phones, and even all our memories are trapped inside the digital world.

I used the draw tool again to mask out the screen of the iPhone so that I could make the clips play within the screen. I chose four clips and cropped them down so I could feature them all and they wouldn't go on for too long. The screenshot shows how I intended the screen to look.

When I looked back over this edit I decided that maybe I should glitch the clips so it has a relation to the left side. This would really bring the twin screen together and show a relationship between the two sides. 

Edit 2

The clip above shows the second edit I created for the right side of the twin screen. I added the same stock footage glitch and followed the same steps to create this glitch look that matches the left side. However, there were a few problems with this edit. Firstly I didn't line up all the clips correctly, so sometimes there are edges that don't align with one another, which makes it look really unfinished. I also didn't think the colours were dark enough.

I also realised that the glitch was only working right in the centre of the video, which meant not all of the footage was being affected. This was something I really needed to go back and change.

Edit 3

This edit seemed to be pretty close to a final cut. The colours were better throughout the footage and I managed to change the glitch to get it to affect the entire footage. However, on the last clip for some reason the footage didn't align properly, meaning some of the glitch appeared over the iPhone, which was irritating. 

Final Edit

In my final edit I decided to remove the moving glitch as I thought it distracted from the footage too much, and the colour glitch was enough to show the relationship. My thought process behind this was that on the left screen the idea is to demonstrate how technology is messing with us as humans, whereas the memories shown on the phone on the right screen are pure, of a time when we weren't so obsessed with the digital world.