Tuesday 2 May 2017

Twin Screen Final Edit

After the previous edits of my two screens individually I was really pleased with the outcome of both and was ready to edit them together. I transferred each edited side into Adobe Premiere Pro so I could edit the length of each clip as it was easier to do in that software.

I then downloaded the twin screen template from myUCA so I was able to put my footage into it and watch it side by side.

I had already made sure the backgrounds matched so when I put the two clips side by side they would blend well together and show a good relationship. 

I decided I was happy with the footage and rendered it all together as a twin screen. 

I am really pleased with the outcome of my twin screen. My concept was to show the way we are obsessed with digital technology, and how the use of phones specifically is taking over our lives. The left side is to show how we live through our phones, and how it can be messing with us as humans. The right side is to show pure memories but how we are now distorting future memories as we live behind technology rather than in the moment. 

Final Edit of Left Screen

Final Edit of Right Screen

Final Edit of Twin Screen

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