Monday 16 October 2017

Project Research - Cat Calling Project

One day when casually browsing the internet I stumbled across this article on Buzzfeed where a woman conducted a mini project taking pictures of all the men that cat called her in the street, and some of the things they said were quite alarming. 
"But most of the time they have their thumbs up, they're happy because they honestly think that they're complimenting me. They really didn't care about me. They never realized that I was unhappy,"
Noa Jansma, a student in the Netherlands, highlights how the men didn't really give any though about their feelings and found it funny when she stopped to take photos of them. In some cases she didn't even take the photos as she feared for her safety. She comments about some men following her around in vans, shouting at her several times whilst others just sniggered at her as she passed them on the street.

She never did anything to provoke the men, not that she would have anyway, but she noted down the amount of times she was cat called over a month. The comments ranged from men shouting "sexy" to alarming ones asking her to get in their vehicles.

If anything I think this project she conducted indicates how women don't necessarily have to do anything to attract negative attention. This young student was just going about her daily life and was harassed for no particular reason other than for the entertainment of the males shouting at her.

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