Friday 20 October 2017

Script for Maps and Networks Shoot

          mid shot

          We see the female lying on the sofa, it is apparent she is
          naked but not revealing much lying on her front, swinging
          her legs a bit.

                    I feel his hands running over my
                    clothes. Itching to get to my skin.
                    No never means anything anymore
                    does it?... I say I have a
                    boyfriend even though I don't, just
                    to make him back away. He comes in
                    closer tugging at my shirt. I try
                    and push him back and get away. But
                    men win. They always do. No female
                    has a voice anymore, no one hears
                    us scream and shout when we need
                    help. We're only heard when we take
                    our clothes off.

          Close up now of Female's face, we see her tuck hair behind
          her ear, we see smudged red lipstick around her lips and
          mascara stains. Her skin looks sore.

                    He tells me it's okay to be scared,
                    it makes it more exciting as I'm
                    trying to get out of his hands.
                    Nothing I do lets me get out of his
                    tight grip. He gets rough,
                    scratching my skin to take my
                    clothes off. Lying me down as I am
                    crying begging for him to stop. He
                    mounts me like some lifeless being
                    I feel. Pushing himself down on me
                    he forces in, me crying and
                    screaming as I do. I have given Up
                    now at this point and let the
                    feeling take over me. Staring at
                    the ceiling until it's over.

          Mid shot of Female's torso now as she is sat up on the sofa,
          still naked, but only seeing her stomach and underboob. She
          runs her hands over her skin as her voice plays over the

                    He finishes, pulling himself off
                    me, throwing my clothes at me like
                    some lifeless emotionless being. He
                    turns to me and says

                    We should do that again sometime.
                    That was really good

                    I try to crack a smile. Knowing
                    what he's done to me. He thinks I
                    would want this again? I have no
                    voice, I couldn't speak. I have
                    lost everything in this night. I
                    have no dignity. No one will
                    respect me. He will tell people I
                    was begging for it. People will
                    gossip. They always do. He's
                    destroyed me, all trust and faith I
                    had in men has gone. I am nothing
                    now thanks to him, I shall carry
                    this with me forever.

          We see Female getting distressed as she drags her hands
          around and across her body in a frantic manor

                    I pick my clothes up, shaking as I
                    do. I am tired, sore and scared. I
                    walk out. People staring from all
                    the noise I was making. No one
                    dared to help, nor see if what was
                    going on was okay. People are so
                    afraid of the power men have. They
                    have such power and control over
                    women they will never know. We are
                    weak to them and malleable, they
                    can use us, pick us up and drop us
                    in an instant. I guess that's just
                    the nature of them. Deaf to the
                    word no.

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