Thursday 16 November 2017

Shot List - Studio Shoot

1.     Slow Pan/Wide Angle : Camera would slowly pan into the set
2.     Close- up/Right Pan: Close up of brother moving piece, would then pan round to show the reaction of sister
3.     Tracking Shot: Camera would start in close up of sister, then pan out as she does her move, then pan the left to show the chess piece being chucked at his face
4.     Mid Shot from right side of table
5.     Close up/tracking shot of face, then to hands as she pushes pieces off one by one
6.     Mid shot/ over head tracking from left side (brothers perspective), camera would slowly move towards the back of the character and climb above the characters head so we have a birds eye view
7.     Mid shot/ Centred shot: As the sister raises her eyebrows and takes king again.
8.     Overhead Close Up: Of chess Board and “Prizes”
9.     Mid shot/ Centred Shot : She takes M&M
10.  Close up: Of the packet and M&M coming out of packet
11.  Mid Shot/Centred Shot: As she chucks M and M in the air and cathes it with her mouth.
12.  Close Up: Of his hands tensing
13.  Overhead Close Up: Grabs Necklace
14.  Low Mid Shot: Of her fidgeting with necklace (Check Story board)
15.  Low Quadrant, mid shot: Of him looing nervous, in the background is a poster of a film (TBC)
16.  Mid to Close up/Centred shot: Of her noticing him looking nervous
17.  Mid Shot from right side: Of him reaching out towards her to get to her to put the necklace down
18.  Close Up: of her putting locket in her mouth
19.  Mid Shot/ Sideways Pan from left to right as she jumps over sofa to head to right corner  
20.  Mid tracking shot from behind the brother’s right shoulder: Sister in ball in the corner
21.  Wide/panning shot: Mirrors beginning but this time he is lounging on the sofa

22.  Close up: As you see him looking down he looks up at the camera, directly into it

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