Saturday 27 January 2018

Dance Film - Initial Ideas

Alice and I love to collaborate, therefore we have come up for an idea together for our dance film. Our idea is only very rough as we haven't completed much research surrounding it at the moment, but none the less this is our starting point.

Our idea consists of having one single dancer spreading paint across the body and dancing and painting together through the movements. This is a very rough idea of what we want to achieve, and have had some discussions with Rachel Deadman about how this could be achieved.

Rachel suggested;
     - thinking about the levels of movement, spreading paint across the body in a concentrated manner and capturing it at different levels of the body.
     - attending to the body, manipulating the movements to indicate something or an emotion, playing with the speed of the movement
     - 360 vision so no part of the body is missed, not a 'face on' experience

We want our film to be a whole body experience, showing a connection of the upper and lower body through movement.

Some things we need to think about to aid our further planning:
     - does the vision follow the camera or does the vision follow the dancer?
     - what does the camera mean / represent?
     - do we take control of the gaze? 

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