Wednesday 7 December 2016

Post Production

Now that filming is complete, we have to move onto the process of editing all of our footage to produce our final documentary.
Since we interviewed 8 housemates, we aren't really short of interesting footage so it's going to be a challenge to cut down all of our footage to make a 10 minute documentary. 

We wrote transcripts of each of the interviews, then went back through and highlighted aspects from each that fit the topics we wanted to address in the documentary:
 - introductions
 - first impressions and how everyone settled
 - how they are at the end of term
 - how they reflect on their relationships now

extract from the transcript of the interview with Spike
Above shows an extract from then transcript we wrote from the interview with Spike, this shows some highlighted elements which we thought were important. We did this with all of the transcripts to make it easier to find relevant clips we wanted in the edit.
At first I didn't really think writing transcripts would help us that much, but since we've started the main body of editing they've really come in use to make it quicker to find relevant conversations for the edit.

As a group we also need to come up with a group presentation to show everyone our work and progression as a group throughout this entire project. There is a criteria we should address to make sure we cover all the relevant points in our presentation.
criteria for our group presentation

We have divided all of these learning outcomes so we can address them more efficiently, and then we'll each upload our individual ideas to the shared google drive so we can all look over each one and finalise them as a group before adding them to the presentation.

As long as we work efficiently as a group we should be able to stick to the deadlines we have been given, and produce all the work we need to to a high standard ready for our hand in deadline.

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