Friday 31 March 2017

Editing Day 2

Today our main focus was adding the audio to our film. Our main audio for our film was a robotic voice over that we planned a script for (shown in a previous blog post.) We had a selection of these audio clips that we had to listen to and decide which ones we wanted to use and which ones were relevant to certain sections of the film.

We also had a backing track that Alice put together on Adobe Audition consisting of old Microsoft sounds that she edited to sound really creepy and distorted. We decided to have this running throughout so that the film has an actual backing track and isn't just silent in places where there is no robotic voice.

After we had organized the audio, we watched the film back entirely and were really happy with the outcome we had created. The next step was to transfer the project into Adobe After Effects in order to create the glitch edits on top of our footage. 

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