Monday 3 April 2017

Editing Day 3

Today's mission was to finalize the edit of our film after our tutorial with Anne, showing her what we had created so far. She was pleased with what we had done so far, so we got the go ahead to being editing glitch effects onto our film in Adobe After Effects.

We found a tutorial on YouTube that showed us how to create some really cool effects over our footage, so we followed it closely making adaptions to suit our film.

The video was very complex to follow since it was quite advanced in After Effects, however after a lot of stress and redoing certain elements, we managed to create some glitch effects we were really happy with.

The glitch effects came to 11 layers in After Effects, all using different skills and effects such as:
  • mask layers
  • editing the hue
  • editing the curve
  • fractal noise
  • CC Griddler
  • editing the saturation
This particular tutorial was really good as it showed us how to create the effects for many different glitches, rather than having the same one continuously throughout.

Involved in this tutorial there were some equations we had to add into the program layers, which was very daunting at first as we had never done anything like this before. However from following the tutorial and banging our heads together we managed to make it work and it looked really good.

The screenshots below show some of the red distorted footage glitches we created, that really fit in with our theme of digital overload.
This was achieved by adding in some fractal noise and changing the hue to 100% on red. From the screenshots it almost looks like a horror film.

We are still in the process of finalizing the glitch edits and making sure they run smoothly throughout the film, however so far we are really pleased with the outcome and what we have achieved, teaching ourselves new skills along the way.

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