Saturday 2 December 2017

Studio Shoot - Review and Evaluation

After much anticipation and planning, the days to shoot came around really quickly, and I'm pleased to say they went fairly smoothly. Everyone managed to fulfill their roles and work together as a team to make the shoot work as well as possible, as well as paying attention to time management to ensure we got everything wrapped up according to schedule.

Everyone teamed up to make sure this day went smoothly, helping Ciara with the set design and following plans to ensure the set looked as planned. As part of my role I took copy of the shoot schedule, adding my own notes, so I would be able to prepare equipment for each upcoming shot, meaning there wouldn't be much delay between the shots. I did this for both days and it really did come in handy on my part making me more organized and allowing me to work more efficiently.
The pre-light was also a good opportunity for the camera crew to get to grips with the equipment and learn which lenses were better suited to each shot, also working with lighting to achieve the best looking shots.

We arrived in the studio at 8:30am to prepare for a 9am start. This meant setting up the camera equipment ready for the first few scenes and checking that we had the correct lenses and everything required. We managed to get a bulk of the shots filmed on this day, including some b-roll footage as well. We stuck to the shoot schedule almost accurately and with some shots not needing a lot of takes, we were often ahead of the timed schedule. 
Our actors felt comfortable on set and Nina and Ben ensured that they were being looked after and were taking the breaks they needed.
We used a slider for the first and last shots, but the majority of the filming was completed using a tripod or the shoulder rig.

As we had managed to capture most of the shooting on the first day, we were able to focus on the chase scene on day two, which was handy as we wanted to play around with different angles for this scene. Alice changed all the lighting to the red gel lights which aided the shooting and was completed smoothly. 
This day of shooting was a lot less hectic than day 1 as we only had a few scenes to focus on and were able to really focus on achieving the angles we wanted. We also experimented with a lot more b-roll footage that would aid us when editing.
We also had to undress the set once we had wrapped up for the day, which was easy enough as there was a lot of us around to spread out the work.


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