Wednesday 13 December 2017

Avert Your Eyes // Maps and Networks Final Film & Mini Evaluation

(loops for 11 minutes in preparation for display)


Our shoot day went surprisingly smoothly. We were really organized and made sure to keep to a realistic schedule throughout so we could obtain all the shots we wanted, whilst giving our actress regular breaks. Using equipment we were familiar with really helped to speed up the process as we knew how to use the camera to achieve the look we wanted, also Alice and I work well together anyway so we knew we would be able to manage the whole shoot.

Shooting the bath scene was the most difficult, as Alice had to get in the bath with the actress in order to get the angles we wanted. Not only was this a risk with the equipment and safety of both our actress and Alice, we also had to deal with the reflections of the camera in the water. To overcome all of this we made sure the camera was covered with the waterproof case and was strapped to Alice, so if she dropped it it wouldn't fall into the water. We also made sure before we began shooting in the bathroom that we had a clear idea of what we wanted to achieve so we could do it as quickly and as organized as possible.

Surprisingly we managed to get everything shot in one day, and we were happy with all the footage and the quality. This meant we could look at editing a lot sooner and also allowing us lots of extra time to reshoot if we needed to. It also meant we didn't have to worry about this project so much whilst dealing with the Studio Shoot.


We edited our film using Adobe Premiere Pro. As our film is a twin screen we decided to edit the two screens separately with audio and export them before putting both finalized screens into Adobe After Effects to compose the actual twin screen.

Whilst editing we faced a few issues. At first the audio wasn't loud enough, so we had to go into the settings and change that before exporting again. Then we realized that we hadn't adjusted the timeline in After Effects, so only half of our film had rendered and exported. We had to remember to duplicate the footage on the timelines so that our film would loop when being presented.

Presentation of Final Piece

With regards to the presentation of this final piece, Alice and I have requested to use the storage container box in the middle of the Quad at University. This is because it is an enclosed space which we could design to fit the theme of our film. We would like to paint the walls red and have some red carpet / rug, with the twin screens playing on two individual screens as you walk in, looping over and over. This is because we think it will add a lot of dramatic effect to the piece and really make people take the time to go and interact with our work. Also, as our piece features moderate nudity it allows us to avoid having to put a curtain or something over our work, which we would probably have to do if it was in a corridor.

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