Thursday 24 November 2016

Documentary Discussions

As our documentary group, we met and had a meeting with Anne about the progression of our ideas. We discussed our plans to move forward and how we want to develop as a group.
After the meeting we went to the library to do some more work on the documentation that we have to fill out, and we wanted to do some further planning.

We set up a google drive so we could all share our ideas and make them accessible to each other. The first thing we did was come up with a to do list, of all the things we need to work on. The main things we had to do was sort out what documents we need to fill out before we start filming.

Documents needed before filming:
  • Synopsis
  • Treatment into characters
  • What kind of documentary is it (style)
  • Short list or storyboard
  • Checklist
  • Filming schedule
  • Risk assessment
Schedule a professional day (8hrs)

Then, we came up with a list of questions that we would ask when we interview our contributors:

  1. Where are you from?
  2. What course do you do?
  3. How are you finding university life so far?
  4. Do you see yourself living with anyone in your dorm next year?
  5. What was your first impression of your housemates in your first week here?
  6. How have your impressions on your housemates changed over the term?
  7. Have there been any issues revolving the kitchen space?
  8. How did you react to Callum’s incident?
  9. What is your relationship like with the people on your course?
  10. Is that also reflected in your relationship to your flatmates?
  11. Have you been home yet since moving to uni? If so how did you feel being away from uni?
  12. Did you meet or get to know your housemates before moving in together?
  13. Do you go out drinking together? Or go out together in general?
  14. Did you bring anything with you to remind you of home?
  15. Describe yourself with one sentence/word? (We could then possibly ask the other housemates to do the same with each other and gather how differently they see each other)
  16. Do you feel at home here? Or what have you done to make yourself feel more comfortable?
  17. Are you close with any of your housemates?
  18. Have there been any arguments at all?
  19. Have you thought about cooking for each other at all?
  20. Are your housemates helpful at all?
  21. Would you ever go on holiday with any of your housemates?
  22. How often do you eat together? (If not much is it due to time or relations)
  23. Have you all been out to the SU at all?
  24. Are you a squad?
  25. Do you know what your housemates favourite (blank) is?
  26. How would you describe the way you all get along?

We didn't want the questions to be too formal, as we want more of a conversational interview. These aren't set in stone since we want to go for a conversation, so they won't be asked as formally, simply just slipped into the conversation. Also, if someone begins to talk about something interesting, we may begin to question them more on that. Therefore these questions are simply a guideline to the sort of things we want to find out from the people we are filming.

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