Tuesday 8 November 2016

Wild Use of Colour

Linking to my previous post, I want to explore the use of colour within photographs. Thinking further than just colour photographs, but how the use of coloured objects, clothing and backgrounds in relation to each other can create a different look and effect on a photograph.

I found an article when I was browsing around titled Five Photographers Making Wild Use of Colour,  and when I looked into it I found that some of the featured photographers were really inspiring to me, however I want to at most of the photographers that have some of their work shown in this article as I could take some inspirational elements from each.

Maciek Jasik

I looked at Jasik's website, and had a browse through all his projects and they all really work with strange colour usage in his photographs. Some of the images really stood out to me as they're really different to anything I'd looked at before.

A Thousand Souls by Maciek Jasik

Portraits by Maciek Jasik
These two images particularly stood out to me when I was looking through all of his work. The first image was taken from his collection titled A Thousand Souls. I love how the colours change further down the image, but also the image becomes slightly more blurred further down. The colours really compliment each other, and bring out the boldness of the models hair. 
The second image was taken from the collection titled Portraits. I found this image particularly interesting because the background is really dark, but the lighting on the faces of the models is red which brings a different element of colour to the image. I think it makes the photograph appear more dramatic, and this is something I would like to try out myself if I decide to pursue this idea further.

Alex Wallbaum 

This photographer was my favourite that I found on the article, I felt really inspired by the work I looked at. Wallbaum's work shows something that I'm really inspired by, and a style that I really want to develop from and try out in my own work. It is definitely a direction I am thinking of taking within my own photography project. 

The work under his collaboration with Aleia Murawski shows images I found most interesting, especially the ones nearer the end of the collaboration, working with objects such as basketballs and fruit. The colours matching throughout each image are so intriguing to me and this is something I want to try out. Unfortunately due to the copyright, I can't post the images here so I've linked the collaboration images here.

When I looked around the rest of Wallbaum's website, I found myself really enjoying the work displayed, and feeling really inspired by the images I was looking at. 

Alex Wallbaum Website (screenshot)
I couldn't get copies of any of the images to post on my blog, however I will leave a link to the website so it can be browsed through all of the work. This is definitely an artist I will use to inspire me for my own personal project, as I love everything about the style of work featured.

Even the work made under the heading Editorial all features a personal flare that links to the photographer. 

Slava Semenyuta

This particular photographer seemed to be most known for his work with neon photography, which is a different use of colour I hadn't seen used that much before. His images were really beautiful and simplistic, but still come across very bold.

Neon Photography by Slava Semenyuta

Neon Photography by Slava Semenyuta
I love the glow that appears on the skin of the models, as it appears in contrast to the background making the images more appealing to the eye and interesting. There is a clear focus on the models too by the central placement, and the contrasting colours making them bold and the immediate view in the image.

Laurence Philomene

As soon as I looked at the instagram of Laurence Philomene, I instantly fell in love with her style of work and the images she had posted. The colours in each one are beautiful and really steal the focus of the image. I love her bold approach to her work, making it individual to her style so you would know each one is part of her work.

Laurence Philomene Website (screenshot)
Once again, I couldn't attach any of Philomene's work, however I will leave a link to her blog here.
Instantly, just from clicking on her blog you get an insight to her personal style and the way she works with colour. I love that the colour really dominates the images, and this is something I want to let influence my own photographs as I am really interested in the use of colour.

From looking at all of these individual photographers work, I think the two that inspire me the most are Alex Wallbaum and Laurence Philomene. Although these two photographers work with different themes, their use of colour in their work is very similar, and this is what I'm inspired by.
I definitely need to do some more work on what I want my project theme to be, however I feel confident knowing I've got some approaches to my photographs that I'd like to try out, definitely revolving around the use of colour.
I am going to revisit these two photographers in particular when my general idea is clearer.

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